
Once upon a digital age...

Ever meet someone who's brutally honest, maybe a tad too much? That's me - to your left.

And I'm honestly tired of menial tasks – recruiting isn't always the glamorous gig it's cracked up to be. The endless paperwork, the robotic emails, the sleep-inducing admin tasks – it's like explaining how to download movies for free to your mother.

Picture this: a frustrated recruiter, drowning in a sea of job descriptions and candidate emails, screams, "There's got to be a better way!" And just like that, Recruit Ghost was conjured into existence 👻.

We're not your run-of-the-mill software company; we're a group of renegades who dared to dream of a world where recruiters could do what they do best – connect the perfect candidate with the perfect gig.

What is dead may never die

While we might make you laugh (or cringe), know that beneath the humor, there's strategy. The future? We see it, and it's blazing with innovation. We're not just talking about minor tweaks; we're talking about 'burning flags and chopping heads' recruitment. Buckle up, because the ride's about to get wilder!

Ghostly Vibes

Why the ghost theme? Because we're the silent partner oiling your machine so you can take credit with your clients. We're the unseen force making you sound like the rockstar you truly are (p.s. I'm a real boy though so I will speak back if you conjure me - like Casper).

Growing fast

From pilot programs dedicated to recruiters to testing with in-house recruitment, our tech is expanding and will transform businesses.

Real results

Innovation, Integrity, Empowerment ... are all words in the English dictionary. We'll skip that. We're here to deliver you results by saving you time and helping you recruit better.

  • 👻 David C. - Assembly Finance

    "I never thought recruitment could be this painless until we tried Recruit Ghost. As a small business owner juggling a million tasks, their platform has been a lifesaver. It's like having a dedicated recruitment team minus the overhead."

  • 👻 Rob L. - ContactOut

    "Running a growing business means every second counts. Recruit Ghost is helpful and we'll look to scale this as their product develops."

  • 👻 Steph H. - Bonjola

    "Recruit Ghost has been our pilot trial partner in recruitment, and the results have been nothing short of remarkable. It's like having a seasoned recruiter on demand. This platform has not only saved us time but also unearthed some real gems for our team. Impressive!"

Let's start recruiting

Had enough of the paperwork? Let's dive into how we can help you grow your recruitment.