Never type Recruitment notes again.

Recruit Ghost automatically generates recruitment notes, job descriptions and client and candidate letters in seconds. So you can focus on building relationships.

Get Early Access
  • Save Precious Time

    No more hours spent on manual note-taking or transcribing.

  • Boost Your Productivity

    Focus on what you do best - connecting talent with opportunities.

  • ✔️ Reduce Errors

    Minimise the risk of miscommunication or missed details.

  • 💎 Enhance Client Relationships

    Deliver faster and more accurate communication to clients and candidates.

  • 📁 Stay Organized

    Automatically categorize and store your notes for easy retrieval.

  • Elevate Your Image

    Impress with prompt communications and embrace the AI advantage in recruitment.

Automate your client note writing

Recruit Ghost filters out non-relevant information and returns a perfect client note.

Generate job descriptions with one button

Generate bespoke job descriptions in your own style with one, easy to use command.

Experience Effortless Recruitment

Focus on interviews and calls

Free up your mental bandwidth to focus on candidate assessment on calls while we take care of the notes.

Emails and Letters that sound like you

Any changes you make in Recruit Ghost, we learn from - ensuring generated documents sound like you.

  • Christina Chow, Head of Talent Acquisition


    "I've been in recruitment for over a decade, and I've never come across a tool as transformative as Recruit Ghost. It's shaved hours off my weekly admin tasks, allowing me to focus on building relationships with candidates and clients. The automatic note-taking feature is a game-changer!"

  • Alex Thompson, Recruitment Consultant


    "At first, I was skeptical about how much time Recruit Ghost could actually save me. But after just a week of using it, I was sold. The smart dictation feature captures everything, even in my fast-paced calls. And the auto-generated emails sound just like me but without the typos."

  • Jacqueline Wilson, Senior Recruiter


    "Testing Recruit Ghost was the best decision I made this year. The tool effortlessly bridges the gap between my calls and the follow-up tasks. No more late nights trying to remember details from earlier conversations. It's like having a personal assistant that never misses a beat!"

  • Hours back in your day

    Reclaim hours every week with automated note-taking.

  • Important details captured

    Capture every detail and communicate with precision.

  • No more late-night recalls

    Seamless transition from calls to action, every time.

Piloting in-house recruitment

  • Without Recruit Ghost

    ❌ Manually jot down notes during calls

    ❌ Spend hours transcribing recorded interviews

    ❌ Manually draft emails to candidates and clients

    ❌ Risk missing crucial details from calls

    ❌ Manually categorise and file notes

    ❌ Spend time editing and proofreading communications

    ❌ Struggle to recall specific details from past calls

    ❌ Manually draft job descriptions

    ❌ Potential miscommunication due to missed details

    ❌ Time-consuming admin tasks eat into productive hours

  • With Recruit Ghost

    ✔️ Automatic transcription of calls into notes

    ✔️ Instantly generated interview summaries

    ✔️ Auto-generated emails tailored to each conversation

    ✔️ AI ensures every important detail is captured

    ✔️ Auto-categorisation and storage of notes

    ✔️ AI-enhanced proofreading for error-free communications

    ✔️ Easy search and retrieval of past conversations

    ✔️ Auto-generated job descriptions from client calls

    ✔️ Consistent and accurate communication every time

    ✔️ More time to focus on relationship-building and strategy

  • Job / Role Descriptions

  • Job / Role Ads

  • Candidate Offer Letters

  • Candidate Rejection Letters

  • Candidate Update Emails

  • Client Recruitment Updates

  • Client Update Emails

  • Screening Notes

  • Interview Questions and Notes

  • Skills Test Results

  • Reference Check Notes

  • Background Check Results

  • Diversity Statements

  • Hiring Process Documentation

  • Custom Templates


What exactly is Recruit Ghost?

Recruit Ghost is a cutting-edge AI tool designed to streamline the recruitment process by automatically transcribing recruitment calls and converting them into actionable outputs like notes, emails, and job descriptions.

How does the AI transcription work?

Once you record your recruitment calls on our platform, our sophisticated AI gets to work. It transcribes the call, identifies key details, and organises the information into the desired format, be it notes, emails, or other documents.

Is my data secure with Recruit Ghost?

Your data's security is our top priority. We employ industry-standard encryption, ensure restricted access, and have clear data policies to guarantee the utmost confidentiality.

What devices are compatible with Recruit Ghost?

Recruit Ghost is designed to be versatile. Whether you're on a desktop, laptop, tablet, or smartphone, as long as you have a microphone and internet connectivity, you're good to go.

How accurate are the transcriptions?

Our AI boasts a high accuracy rate due to its training on extensive datasets. However, for optimal results, we recommend users review and tweak transcriptions as needed.

Can I customise the transcribed outputs?

Absolutely! While our AI provides a solid foundation, you can easily edit and tailor the transcriptions to fit specific contexts and requirements.

I often discuss confidential information. How does Recruit Ghost handle this?

We're committed to upholding the privacy of your discussions. Not only do we have robust security measures in place, but you also have the autonomy to manage and delete your data whenever you wish.

How does Recruit Ghost compare to traditional transcription services?

Unlike traditional services, Recruit Ghost offers near-instant transcriptions, AI-driven accuracy, and the flexibility to transform calls into various outputs, all while ensuring cost-effectiveness.

These can then be instantly fed into practical templates.

Is this available for use now?

Currently, we're in the validation and piloting phase with select testing, gathering feedback and interest. If you'd like to stay updated on our progress, please sign up for early access.

We'd love to hear your thoughts too! So feel free to reach out to us if you want to chat about other ways we can help you.

  • 🔒 Secure From the Start

    Every interaction on our platform is encrypted using HTTPS, ensuring your data is protected as it travels across the internet.

  • 🛡️ Protected Access

    User accounts are fortified with password protection, and we use industry-standard methods to keep intruders out.

  • 🔎 Only What's Needed

    We believe in simplicity. That means collecting only the essential data we need to serve you, and nothing more.

  • 📜 Transparent Practices

    We're upfront about how we handle your data. No hidden agendas, just clear and honest communication.

  • 🔙 Regular Safekeeping

    Our automated backup systems ensure that your data is stored safely, ready to be restored if ever needed.

  • 🚫 Restricted Entry

    We operate on a need-to-know basis. Only essential personnel have access to our data systems, minimizsng risks and ensuring your information stays confidential.

Take back control of your paperwork